Kal Honey – Friday Night Guest – February 11, 2022

Kal Honey – Friday Night Guest – February 11, 2022

( Submitted by Marilyn Walsh)

Kal Honey gave us an extensive historical look at Collage from the 1700’s with Mary Delaney’s botanical collage through the beginning of photography, Cubism, Dadaism and Matisse.

Collage encompasses a vast use of different materials. In this image Ben DeNino cuts the Handy Reference Atlas to expose all the rivers on each page.

Ian Berry creates life-like portraits only using blue jeans.

Michael Mapes cuts photograph portraits, shoots the image in different scales and combines multiple views to echo Cubist perspective.

Myrium Dion uses the front page of newspapers as her medium and then cuts away to reveal intricate patterns

As he discussed more contemporary artists he mixed in some Assemblage artists.  If you enjoyed these, be sure to link with DVAC Friday April 29th for Jane Bowen’s presentation.

He showed us his work which included Collage and Assemblage.

Kal teaches at Neilson Park Creative Centre, Visual Arts Mississauga and in Fleming College and offers free virtual “Collage Jam”.  The next one will be Mon Feb 28. https://www.kalhoney.ca/virtual-collage-jam.html

In response to questions about copyright, he encourages you to not use recognizable images of people, to use small portions of any image and to re-contextualize it and warns that photographers have won suits against artists for copyright infringement.

He likes the “low-brow” cheapness of collage and does warn those who purchase his work that it is not archival.  He suggested that you could scan images that you like and print with pigment based ink on acid-free paper if you wanted your work to be archival.