Friday Night Club February 22, 2019 – CARFAC Elissa Pendergast

(Submitted by Ingrid Mueller)

This evening was filled with revelations made possible by CARFAC General Manager Elissa Pendergast.

CARFAC – Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des Artistes Canadiens, is an organisation of 1,000 members, founded in 1968 in London by Jack Chambers, Tony Urquhart, Kim Ondaatje, Greg Curnoe, and Ron Martin. In short, CARFAC provides advocacy and an abundance of resources for artists.  Its national office is in Ottawa and it boasts 8 provincial affiliates.

Elissa spent the evening explaining much of what CARFAC can do for artists in Canada. The following is an abbreviated version of her presentation:


• Negotiating, in concert with other artists’ associations (e.g., ACTRA, Writers’ Union of Canada) with the provincial government to establish Status of the Artist legislation
• Providing summary legal advice through VALCO (the Visual Artists Legal Clinic of Ontario

• Providing publications and webinars which educate artists on how to advocate for and protect themselves.
• Advising artists by phone, email and in person on how to deal with the many issues which artists face in their professional practices.

CARFAC Ontario is committed to providing up-to-date resources for artists, as well as answering frequently asked questions pertaining to practicing as an artist in Ontario.

Member Services and Artist Resources:

  • CARFAC Online:  Ontario e-bulletin of opportunities for visual and media artists
  • DISPATCH:  Ontario quarterly newsletter
  • Group Health Plan
  • Member Discounts
  • Professional Development
  • CARFAC Fees
  • Minimum Fee Schedule
  • Copyright 101
  • Copyright Agents

Our brains were overflowing with information and questions and we are grateful to Elissa Pendergast for enlightening us.

 The very best way to fully understand what CARFAC is and what it can do for you is to visit their website and/or contact Elissa.  Links are provided below.

Facebook/Twitter   @carfacontario
