Anthony Vandertuin –  Friday Night Guest Nov. 6, 2020

Anthony Vandertuin – Friday Night Guest Nov. 6, 2020

(Submitted by Nanci Miranda) Over 45 DVAC members signed into Zoom to watch Anthony’s presentation and demo. It was a riveting evening. He began with a showing and description of his current work followed by a demo of a large abstract portrait on birch gallery board. He showed us how he creates his pallet as well as some of his favorite tools to work with. Anthony shared how he works in Values with a 3 colour limited pallet. He never works with white or black. He creates tints and darks with lighter and darker colours.

It was an inspirational night for all who attended. Its not often you get to watch a master of his craft in this way! Thank you so much Anthony. We look forward to an opportunity  to study with you at one of your workshops.