Anik Waldek – Friday Night Guest – Oct 25, 2024
(Submitted by Marilyn Walsh)
Anik Waldek offered an extensive background and context on Degas’ ballet paintings. They represent over half of his 1500 works of art. Degas is often associated with the Impressionists, but Anik explained rather than focusing on the transitory nature of light in en plein aire, Degas artworks were carefully composed in his studio. He often used wax sculptures and preparatory sketches. Degas was influenced by the cropped image used in Japanese woodblock prints and in photography. He introduced dancers not in a static pose, but in motion on stage and relaxing or stretching in rehearsals.
Although Degas was untrained in sculpture his “Little Dancer, aged 14” was a highly realistic portrait of Marie. There were issues with Degas’ nude sketches of Marie. The public attitude towards dancers was both positive for their skills but they were also seen to be immoral. Young dancers were poor and vulnerable to sexual predators. Subscribers, wealthy men were allowed access to rehearsal rooms, rest areas and the dancers’ changing rooms.
Anik is offering a free video of the Night Watch by Rembrandt and courses for a fee: Women in Art, Age of Impressionism and Power, Pleasure and Prestige. Contact Information: anik@www.academyofarthistory.com, @academy.of.art.history