Plein Air Show ‘n’ Tell – September 24th, 2021

Plein Air Show ‘n’ Tell – September 24th, 2021

The Committee has been very active over the summer months going to the following locations.

   1. Bluffers Park – Micheline and Moises Bartlett
   2. Kew Gardens – Carol Berry
   3. Guild Inn – Rosemary Tannock
   4. Edwards Gardens – Micheline Bartlett, Karin Fediw
   5. James Gardens – Karin Fediw
   6. Grange Park – Karin Fediw

The following artists spoke briefly about their plein air artworks: Carol Berry, Ioana Bertrand, Nora McPhail, Dougal Haggart, Suzanne Miller, Adam CX Zhau. Ava Goodman, Heidi Giblon, Leah Zack, Marilyn Walsh, Vivian Quiring, Karin Fediw, Moises Bartlett, Taline Kavoukian, Micheline Bartlett, and Maria Iva

Insights shared included the need to work quickly due to the changing weather and lighting conditions.  Many talked about limiting the size and weight of their panels while out of doors. Some artists shared technical decisions they make about where to place the light in the painting: background, midground or foreground.  Some talked about how to create focus by using warm colours in the foreground to lead your eye into the painting and then cool colours in the background to create depth.  Many talked about honing their observational skills by working outside, making decisions about what to include and what to leave out of their composition.  Most members found the artists’ discussions about their paintings to be very valuable.  

Nora McPhail and Carol Berry showed their “kit” to encourage even more members to get outside to paint.