Jacinthe Rivard – Night Guest – September 20, 2024

Jacinthe Rivard – Night Guest – September 20, 2024

(Submitted by Christine Luna)

Jacinthe is a high realism oil painter from Montreal, Quebec. She started drawing as a child but due to discouraging advice from a high school guidance teacher who asked her if she had a plan B (when she said she wanted to be an artist as her career) she became a hairdresser, then studied fashion. Always having the spark to create, she began painting portraits but soon found her love of realism in collecting antiques and vintage wallpaper that she began to paint. She was approached by an art dealer in Miami after posting one of her paintings on Instagram that resulted in a show at Art Miami where she sold many of her paintings. From that point on she continues a daily practice using sources such as Daily Paintworks (www.dailypaintworks.com) to keep motivated.  Her work sells in galleries in Canada, the United States and Internationally.

In her process she chooses what she wants to paint (her love of realism shines through) and starts with a meticulous drawing of the object, including all the details of light sources by isolating every light source in shapes. The background (often using vintage wallpaper) is painted in later. She draws and paints directly on wood, preferring the smooth surface that does not absorb paint. Jacinthe preps the wood with 2 coats of GOLDEN GAC100 to seal, then coats with gesso, using sandpaper to smooth the finish.  She writes down every color used in each painting in a notebook for reference.

She favors mixing her own colors using a limited palette consisting of: titanium white, cadmium yellow, light cadmium red, medium cadmium red, alizarin red, phthalo blue, ultramarine blue and burnt umber. Blending colors using a makeup brush and when painting she only wipes her brush with paper toweling before selecting another color. The finished painting (that takes approximately 2 weeks) is then varnished with Gamblin GAMVAR.

Jacinthe is a charming and original artist who follows her heart.  Even though this was her first Zoom experience her enthusiasm was infectious. 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacintherivard/?hl=en

Website: https://www.jacintherivard.com