Sandra Manzi – Friday Night Guest – January 31, 2025
(Submitted by Chris Luna)
Sandra Manzi is a representational painter from Toronto, currently residing in Hamilton. She is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design and received a B.A. in Fine Arts from the University of Guelph. Sandra has exhibited in galleries in and around Toronto and Hamilton, as well as in San Francisco. Her paintings can be found in private collections throughout Canada, Europe, and the United States.
Sandra started with a slide presentation of her work that illustrated her process of creating layered images in oil using a free app called Pixlr ( https://pixlr.com). By playing with digital manipulation of images, she explores the relationship between figurative and abstraction with a blend of classical and conceptual ideas.
She demonstrated “The How and Why I Use it” with the Pixlr program, showing us the progression of layering one image over the next: Layer #1, Layer #2, Finished Image, and Image with Grid. Sandra uses Windsor Newton (her preferred brand) water soluable oil paints and preps her canvas with 4 thin coats of gesso, including the sides of the canvas with the first layer of gesso. Then to start her painting she adds a 1” grid pattern on the canvas, then draws on canvas using a 5H or 6H pencil. Her wash of either Burnt Sienna or Yellow Ochre does not erase the drawing.
Social media – https://www.sandramanziart.com/